With a view to taking Bharathiyar and his message to the younger generation, Sevalaya, in association with Uratha Sinthanai Writers’ forum, celebrated Bharathi Ula, at Kasuva centre on 2nd Dec 2018. Hon’ble Union Minister State for Finance, Shipping, Highways and Surface Transport, Pon. Radhakrishnan (Minister of),was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Veteran Film Director Visu presided over the function. Actor Delhi Ganesh, Director of Sruthilaya Dance School Parvathy Balakrishnan, Founder of Sai Sankara Matrimonials N Panchapakesan and members of Uratha Sinthanai Writers Forum participated in the function.
Sevalaya children presented a cultural programme which included singing of Bharathi’s songs, dance and speech on Bharathi.
In his special address, the Hon’ble Minister Pon Radhakrishnan highlighted Bharathi’s love for Tamil- his mother tongue, love for the Nation and sense of social justice that reflected in his poems, articles and his life. He spoke about Bharathi’s Pappa Pattu (Song for the child) where the poet talks about values of unity, truth, simplicity, courage, patriotism, Harmonious living and universal love in a style that could be understood by a child as the title of the poem itself suggests.”If everyone were to live by this poem the world will be a better place to live.” declared the Minister. “When Visu, my good friend invited me to Bharathi Ula function at Sevalaya, I thought it may be a routine programme on Bharathi. But looking at the range of services of Sevalaya for the cause of the underprivileged, I am happy that I have come to a very apt place for celebrating Bharathi Ula.” he concluded
Earlier veteran actor Delhi Ganesh quoted extensively from Bharathi’s songs and other contributions and said that internalising and living according to Bharathi’s ideals is the best way to pay tribute to the great poet.
Director Visu, appreciated the children who sang ,danced and gave speeches by mentioning their names individually. He also gave them tips for improvement. He was in praise of the services rendered by Sevalaya and said “I am very happy that we are celebrating Bharathi Ula in the presence of the Honble Minister at the most appropriate place.