Online sessions on the lives of Mahakavi Bharathi, Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda were conducted every year, covering 70,224 students from 38 districts. Moral education based on life lessons of Bharathi, Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda is provided by Sevalaya to 1,20,224 students from 38 districts of Tamilnadu since 1988. Moral education classes were also conducted for prisoners in all Central Jails in Tamil Nadu.From 1991, Sevalaya has been running a free school following state board syllabus for 1st generation learners from 40+ villages in Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu. 4,900 children have received education since then. 50% of the students are girls.700 children have been benefited through free evening learning centres across 9 centres in 7 districts of Tamilnadu .Digital Literacy classes are covered 2,000+ students in 3 districts of Chennai, Kanchipuram and Sirkazhi districts.After completing Std XII, deserving students are given financial support for higher studies, through corporate and individual funding. Nearly 1,350+ students have benefitted for the past 28 years.
Livelihood :
Since 2011, Sevalaya has been providing free skill-based education to unemployed youth in 10+ locations. Courses include Basic computer applications, Electrician, AC mechanic, Tally, Lab technician assistant, and Bakery. Beautician and tailoring are the women only courses offered in the community colleges. The courses are designed to make village youth self reliant and to empower women. Over 6,000+ rural youth have benefitted.
Rural Development :
Awarness camps and sessions are conducted regularly and have impacted for 10000+ teens. Subjects cover safety of self, social behaviour, hygiene and how to manage the outside world. Volunteers from many corporates are involved in this. COVID-19 awareness programmes were conducted for villagers and they were advised on the precautions to be taken and how to improve immunity. Multi Vitamins tablets were provided to villagers and Vitamin A drops to children below 5 years. 300+ awareness programmes have been conducted since 1994, benefitting 27,125+ teens. Toilets have been constructed in several schools and villages apart from installation of RO plants for safe drinking water
Sports :
Sevalaya places emphasis on sports for physical and psychological development. Sevalaya has a comprehensive sports talent search scheme that evaluates each student. The promising ones are identified, selected and given scientific training. Sevalaya focusses on training in athletics, basketball, volleyball, handball, netball and badminton as also indoor games including Chess. Sevalaya athlete has won Gold Medal at State Level. Another represented Tamilnadu in Basketball at the National Level Meet conducted by the School Games Federation of India.(SGFI) 16 students have played at National Level meets representing Tamilnadu in handball. And in netball, three students represented Tamilnadu at the National Level. Many students have got free admission, in colleges for higher education, under sports quota.
Health Care :
Dedicated medical centres at 5 locations provide free generic medical support for the villagers. Certified doctors and nurses have provided medical support to 3,00,510+ individuals since 1994.1,40,500+ villagers living in 150+ villages in 3 districts with limited access to quality healthcare services have been benefitted by Mobile Medical Vans from 2017. Periodic medical check-up, generic medicines and health awareness sessions are offered, besides specialised medical camps.
Covid & Cyclone Relief :
General health camps and awareness sessions 100+ awareness programmes benefitting 10,000+ teens were conducted every year. Subjects cover safety of self, social behaviour and how to manage the outside world. Volunteers from many corporates are involved in this. COVID-19 awareness programmes were conducted for villagers and they were advised on the precautions to be taken and how to improve immunity. Multi Vitamins tablets were provided to villagers and Vitamin A drops to children below 5 years. 300+ awareness programmes have been conducted since 1994, benefitting 27,125+ teens.
Animal Welfare :
Vinobhaji Gaushala is a haven for cows that have out-lived their period of “utility” and will otherwise be destined for the slaughter-house. The Gaushala also shelters milk yielding cows. The milk is consumed by the resident children and elders. We are submitting herewith our proposal to construct MS roof truss shed for gaushala of size 80 x 48 x 11 height to accommodate the 30 cows. The work of a new shed would enhance the capacity of the cow shed from 30 cattle to another 60 cattle.
0Dry Cows
Sevalaya has nurtured the two most vulnerable populations through the construction of homes for orphans and destitute elders. Sevalaya has housed and shaped the lives of 550+ orphans and given shelter and dignity to 250+ destitute elders who live secure, comfortable, active and fulfilled lives. 3,28,500 meals were cooked and served every day last year for children and senior citizens as we have for 35 years now.
Infra projects :
Sevalaya has housed and shaped the lives of 550+ orphans and given shelter and dignity to 250+ destitute elders who live secure, comfortable, active and fulfilled lives.From 1991, Sevalaya has been running a free school following state board syllabus for 1st generation learners from 40+ villages in Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu. 4,900 children have received education since then. 50% of the students are girls. 700 children have been benefited through free evening learning centres across 9 centres in 7 districts of Tamilnadu .