The birth Anniversary of C Rajagopalachari, popularly known as Rajaji was celebrated on December 10th, 2018. Lakshmikanthan Bharathi, Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tamilnadu was the Chief Guest. Hailing from an illustrious family of freedom fighters, the Chief Guest recalled his association with Rajaji. Lakshmikanthan Bharathi was arrested when he was 16 years for participating in the Quit India Movement. After his release when he could not get admission in University as he had served a term in Prison, Rajaji had intervened and wrote to the University Senate that it was unfair to deny education and spoil the life of a youngster who had sacrificed for the Nation. Later he got admission and went on to become an IAS officer. “I owe my entire life and career to Rajaji. It was only because of the efforts of the great Statesman, I could enter Madurai Collectorate Office as a District Collector, where once I was taken to as a handcuffed prisoner” recalled Lakshmikanthan Bharathi. The speakers recalled Rajaji’s efforts to bring in prohibition, his farsightedness, and his intelligence. Prof N Ramanathan, Raghunathan, Chari, Past President of Probus Club and members of Rajaji centre for Public Affairs and other admirers of Rajaji participated.
Earlier Sevalaya conducted a statewide examination on Rajaji for students of Stds VI to XII in which 500 students from 25 schools in 8 Districts participated. The Chief Guest distributed prizes to the toppers in the examination. Sevalaya children presented cultural programme which included the singing of songs penned by Rajaji and a skit based on incidents from Rajaji’s life.