The children and staff of Sevalaya were spellbound by the graceful performance of two danseuses Mahima and Shivangi from United Kingdom for the song Sri Govindan. The siblings have been learning Bharatanatyam for the past 12 years and performed Arangetram (first full- fledged performance on stage) in 2013. Nieces of Prof. Dr. SV Mani, advisor of Sevalaya , Mahima is studying MBBS third year at Cambridge University, UK and Shivangi is studying final year Secondary School at London.
After the spiritually elevating performance, Mahima spoke to the children about about their dance saga and also impressed upon them how extracurricular activities do not affect the studies but in fact help improve one’s academic performance by leaving one relaxed and refreshed.
At the request of the teachers , Mahima and Shivangi also taught the children to dance for Gandhiji’s favourite Bhajan , Raghupathi Raghava Rajaram which the children are to perform on Oct 2nd, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi.
Mahima and Shivangi were amazed by the size and range of operations at Sevalaya. They were impressed by the discipline of the children, highly motivated teachers, good facilities at the Homes and the libraries. They also assured that they would spread the word about Sevalaya in UK and support the institution by performing dance programmes for fund raising.