Sevalaya organization has been celebrating Quality Month for the past two years. Quality competitions
were held across various centres of Sevalaya for the staff. The competitions included Slogan writing,
Photography, Essay Writing, Kaizen presentation, Quiz, and Poster making were done on the theme of
Quality. A special jury was allocated for each competition to select the best out of it.The final
celebrations were held on 26th November 2022 at Sevalaya’s Kasuva centre. Staff from Sevalaya
participated from various locations. Rajagopalan, CEO, Ashley Alteams India Ltd, was the Chief Guest at
the event.
The event started off with a cultural program presented by Sevalaya Students. Rajagopalan
congratulated Sevalaya for taking part in the 5S competition on an equal footing with other corporate
groups. He distributed prizes to the winners of the various competitions held earlier .T M Venkatesan,
Chairman, and Mentor of FOCUS – 5 , one of our mentors for quality initiative like 5S participated
through Online.
Earlier V Muralidharan Founder of Sevalaya welcomed the gathering and Anupriya LN proposed the vote
of thanks.