22 staff from Sevalaya arrived at the Sri Erikaththa Ramar Temple, Thiruninvarur on November 11th, 2020, with necessary tools to clean up the surrounding area to ensure the well-being of its users. The temple priest had requested Sevalaya to send volunteers from Sevalaya to clear the unwanted bushes within the temple premises.
The staff were pumped with positive energy and worked with enthusiasm. The team was led by S C Suresh from Kasuva who diligently carried his team with responsibility. The designated place was converted into a functional garden after clearing the weeds and bushes.
After the completion of work, P G Sathish, a temple volunteer invited the staff inside the temple and gave them an engaging session on the history of the temple. It is an ancient temple which is famous for the presiding Deities, Ram, Sita and Lakshmana.
They were also offered Holy Prasadham and were offered a private Dharshan to worship the Deities. The staff were provided with refreshments and were thanked for their efficient service.