Sevalaya’s Mahakavi Bharathiyar higher secondary School has secured 100% pass in 12th grade exams, once again!
111 students appeared for this year’s exam and all of them cleared it! They are all orphan/ destitute/poor children and first generation school goers.
42% secured distinction, 89 % of students secured I class, and 5 have got centums in Maths, Business Maths and Accounts and 15 students have secured more than 1000.
School Toppers :
- Nandhini M – 1145 /1200
- Praveena V – 1110/1200
- Maheshwari C – 1087/1200
Nandhini M.
Nandhini with lot of excitement says “ this is all because of the continuous effort of our teachers. I got good support from my teachers to achieve this”.
M. Nandhini comes from Kavanoor village. She lost her father and her mother is a daily wage earner. She aspires to become a Chartered Accountant. She is a hardworking girl and used to study in the street lights to achieve her aim, as her mother used to switch off light at 9 PM, as they can’t afford more power bill.
V.Praveena from Melapedu comes from a poor family. Her father does not contribute much towards the family upkeep .Her mother works for daily wages. She aspires to be a teacher and has the habit of helping others. She participates in all the extra-curricular activities that are conducted in the school.
C.Mageswari from Kasuva village has studied in Sevalaya from LKG. Mageswari’s father is an agricultural coolie. Her mother stitches blouses and works as a daily wages laborer. She wants to become a doctor.
We look forward to your continuous support.