Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated on 2nd October 2014 at Kasuva campus,attended by 600 students . A high point
was the presentation of prizes to winners of the state-wide open book examination about Gandhiji held in the month of September. Prizes were distributed to the students from 16 schools of Kariakudi, Theni, Coimbatore, Chennai, Thiruvallur,Kancheepuram districts.
In synchrony with Gandhiji and truthfulness – cum-trust he exemplified,the examinations are conducted in these organizations by the respective authorities, who send the papers of their toppers to Sevalaya. From that, 3 prize winners in each category are awarded prizes
The Chief Guest was T. Malarvizhi, District Education Officer. She distributed prizes and medals to the children
The DEO in her address lauded the activities of the organization which is following the principles of Bharathi,Gandhiji and Vivekananda who had worked for the upliftment of underprivileged people in various areas