FoodBank, Chennai arranged a special trip to the Thirupathi temple for underprivileged and physically challenged students on 25th April 2023. A total of 78 students and 5 staff members from Sevalaya’s Mahakavi Bharathiyar Higher Secondary School, Kasuva centre went on the trip. During the journey, the students were entertained with a magic and mimicry. They were also given food and refreshments. The Thirupathi Devasthanam board arranged a special darshan for all the students, which made their trip even more memorable. #FoodBankChennai #ThirupathiTempleTrip #UnderprivilegedStudents #PhysicallyChallengedStudents #MahakaviBharathiyarHSS #KasuvaCentre #SpecialDarshan #MagicAndMimicry #FoodAndRefreshments #MemorableExperience #GivingBack #CommunityService