Sevalaya celebrated Bharathiyar day function in its campus on 13th December 2015. M. S. Syed Rawoof, District Probation Officer, Social Welfare Department, Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu participated has the Chief Guest to the function. Mr. Rawoof said that by following the sayings of our great patriot – leaders will inculcate greater discipline among children. Open book exams conducted by Sevalaya will facilitate in understanding the values and spirit to be imbued. Students from Vellore, Thiruppur, Chennai, Thiruvallur, Villupuram, Cuddalore participated, and out of them 20 students had won the open book exam competition. Mr. Rawoof distributed prizes to the toppers in the competition.
Earlier Mr. V. Muralidharan, Founder and Managing Trustee of Sevalaya welcomed the gathering and Mr. Amarchand Jain, Advisory Committee member of Sevalaya proposed vote of thanks.