Sevalaya School


Some special achievements of this school are:

Prekg to 12th standard

  • Free education
  • Free uniform, text books,note books

Low dropout rate

  • 99.57% who join school complete 12th standard
  • Underprivileged students given additional support/ coaching

Excellent academic results

  • 99% results for 12th standard for past 12 years
  • 99% and 100% results in last 12 years for 10th Standard
  • Sevalaya supports its students for higher studies

Smart Classroom and other activties

  • Montessori method of teaching for younger children
  • Sports, and extracurricular activities encouraged
  • Students encouraged to participate in various competitions


  • School serves 40 villages in a radius of 20 Kms. Child labour has been completely eradicated in these villages
  • High Quality education leading to increased enrollment year on year and resulting in increased literacy in the community
  • 4900 + children have passed out from our school till year 2024
  • Alumni of Sevalaya School are now Global citizens placed in international organizations contributing in diverse fields
  • Value based education which enables the children to become self-reliant and live ethical lives in the rural area
  • Students are excelling in Sports with dedicated training support at the School.

Ways you can support

Sevalaya needs your support and contribution for the below listed projects which need funding.

Sponsor Education for a child

Education sponsorship for a child takes care of the following:

Sl. No Sponsor Type Co- Sponsor Full- Sponsor
1 Uniform & Education kit 650 1000
2 Note books & Stationery 700 1800
4 Teachers salary 5300 6500
5 Transport 600 1000
6 Sports 100 200
7 Printing & Stationeries 100 200
8 Repairs & Maintenance 150 200
9 Trainings 50 300
10 Internet 50 200
11 Literary & Cultural Competition 150 300
12 Electricity 50 150
13 Miscellaneous 100 150
Total 8000 12000
  • Education sponsorship for a child per annum is estimated at Rs.8,000/- (Co-sponsor) and Rs. 12,000 (Full sponsor)
  • Education endowment for a child, which can provide education permanently for one child is Rs.1,00,000/- (Co-sponsor) and Rs. 2,00,000 (Full sponsor)

Colouring books for Montessori kids

Sevalaya’s pre-primary school consists of 170 children. We have trained teachers and all efforts are made to make the classes lively and interesting. A large supply of coloring books, colour pencils, crayons and toys are required which costs Rs. 1 Lakh per annum.

Montessori educational kits

While both the parents of our children are going to work, the young one needs to be taken care of and there is the risk of the elder child being dropped from school.

Sevalaya’s pre-primary school has obliterated this contingency. Sevalaya provides mid-day meals on its own to all the 170 children. We make all efforts to make the classes lively.

Towards this effort, we require 8 sets of Montessori educational kits which will make learning joyful.

  • The estimated cost of each kit is Rs. 3,08,482/- and 8 kits would be. 24,67,856/-

Sponsor furniture for new children

Every year there are lots many students getting admitted in Sevalaya, there are enough furniture for the old students but there is excess needs for the new children.

  • The estimated cost for sponsoring furniture is 5 lakhs.

Picnic for Children

With a view to widen their horizons, students are taken to different places of cultural, architectural, educational and of other importance.

It is ensured that children are taken to a trip at least a year. Totally 58 trips are planned for our strength of 1980 students per year.

  • Each trip is estimated to cost Rs.10000 including conveyance, lodging, entrance fees, food and incidental expenses.
  • The project cost for the year is Rs 5,80,000/-.

School bus

In our school, we provide free transportation to primary section (LKG to 5th Standard) students. The reason why we offered free transportation may be explained here. When we started the school in 1988, in this part of the Tiruvallur district child labour was rampant. They were working in brick chambers and other small enterprises. To bring the children to the school, it took a lot of efforts on Sevalaya. One such strategy was to offer free transportation to primary class students.

Currently, 900 students are studying in primary classes. Around 400 of the primary section students need free pickup and drop facility.

  • The estimated cost for one school bus 25 lakhs

Basketball Court

Due to lack of proper sports field & courts, they find it difficult competing with City and other “affluent” teams as it brings down their morale at times. Within our moderate means, we have been trying to offset this obstacle.

The current basketball court has to be renovated to make it suitable for conducting interschool and district level events.

  • The estimated cost for basketball court is Rs 8,31,752/-

Nutritional Food for Children during Exams

  • In spite of regular coaching in classes, periodic assignments and personal tutoring by teachers, preparation for the Public Examinations involve intensified efforts.
  • There is an element of psychological stress also. The children are provided with extra care and nutritional supplements to cope with the demands.
  • Sevalaya solicits your participation in the project of providing nutritional food for 270 10th & 12th standard students at an estimated cost of Rs.13,50,000 per annum.

Montessori training for teachers

Sevalaya is sending their staff to training programs on Montessori education, other educational methodologies, etc.

Sevalaya has successfully implemented Montessori Education in Tamil in its primary classes and the new Activity Based Learning (ABL) and Active Learning Methodology (ALM) up to grade 8. These teaching techniques have improved participation from children in the classrooms.

  • A year’s Training Programme for the staff is estimated to cost Rs.1.7 Lakhs.

Annual stationery and note books

The Annual stationery requirements for our School including A4 Copiers, A3 Copiers, Legal papers for Exams, Graph Sheets, Maps, Attendance Registers, Mark Registers, Work Log registers, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Staplers & Pins, Geometry Boxes, Toner Clips, etc.

  • Estimated cost for Annual Stationery requirement is Rs. 4,50,000 per annum.
  • Notebooks requirement for 1970 students costs around Rs.11,50,067 per annum.

Black board for 100 classes

There are 1980 students in Sevalaya, where one class consists of minimum 40 students. Hence to cover all the classes and also the community College classes including training area boards we need 100 black boards.

  • The estimated cost of 100 black boards is 3 lakhs.

Teaching Aid

Sevalaya also provides teaching aid for the teachers for their benefits and also to work in full potency towards children.

The proposed amount for this project is 1 lakh.

Science Exhibition

Annual science exhibition is usually conducted during the month of August. Each year a particular theme is chosen.

All the teachers and students pool all their skills and intellectual resources to make the exhibition a memorable event of knowledge dissemination. Neighborhood schools also participate and put up stalls.

VIPs and other educational experts have commended our efforts. To cite an instance, our Exhibition was on the theme,”Aryabhatta to Annadurai”. The exhibition was visited by none other than MR. Mayilsamy Annadurai of Chandrayan fame. He paid glowing encomiums particularly on the Chandrayan – display by our students.

  • The Science Exhibition project costs Rs. 2,00,000/-

Sponsor a Subject

In general, for each subject we have a minimum we employ 5 teachers from 6th class to higher secondary. As explained in the previous paragraph, the project cost for sponsoring a Subject in Sevalaya School would be Rs. 10,800,000/- (Rs. 1.08 Crores)

Sponsoring a Subject would be a onetime sponsorship, which would take care of five teacher’s salaries for a particular subject, on a long term basis.

Corpus for Staff Salaries

As of now, banks generally pay 8% simple interest for a deposit placed for one year. To meet our annual salaries of Rs.1.415 Crores, therefore a corpus of Rs.25 Crores is needed.

We request that as a visionary and esteemed Corporate such as yours to help us in building the corpus for meeting the annual salaries and allowances commitment without any hassles. For this purpose, the amount of Rs. 25 Crores donated by the Corporate would be kept in a bank in the form of Fixed Deposit and the monthly interest earned would be used to meet the salaries bill.

Sponsoring the teacher’s salary corpus would be a onetime sponsorship, which would take care of 84 teacher’s salaries for Sevalaya, on a long term basis.

  • Total Corpus for Staff Salaries is Rs.25 Crores

Sponsor a Chair

As of now, banks generally pay 8% simple interest for a deposit placed for one year. At present, on average Salary for a teacher per month in our school is arrived as Rs.15000/-. The project cost for Sponsoring a Chair in Sevalaya School would be Rs. 21,60,000/-

We request that as a visionary and esteemed Corporate such as yours to help us in building the corpus for meeting the annual salaries and allowances commitment for each teacher without any hassles.

For this purpose, the amount of Rs. 21,60,000/- donated by the Corporate, would be kept in a bank in the form of Fixed Deposit and the monthly interest earned would be used to meet the salaries bill.

Sponsoring a chair would be a onetime sponsorship, which would take care of one teacher’s salary on a long term basis.

  • cost for Sponsoring a Chair in Sevalaya School would be Rs. 21,60,000/-