Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu K Kamarajar’s birthday is celebrated as ‘Kalvi Valarchi
Naal’ across the state. Ravi Viswanathan, Managing Director, TVS Supply Chain Solutions was
the Chief Guest at the 122nd birth anniversary celebration of the leader at Sevalaya’s Mahakavi
Bharathiyar Higher Secondary School, Kasuva centre, Thiruvallur district on 14th July 2024.
Speaking on the occasion, Ravi Viswanathan, congratulated Sevalaya for its services to the
underprivileged in various areas such as education, healthcare, sports and disaster relief.
Earlier, Students presented cultural performances. Every month, Sevalaya usually gifts books to
staff celebrating birthdays, with Ravi Viswanathan presenting books to them this month.
The Chief Guest also distributed prizes to the winners of the district-level competitions
conducted by Sevalaya to commemorate the memory of Kamarajar. 350 students from 15
schools across Tiruvallur district participated in the competitions such as speech, oratorical and
Earlier, Sevalaya Murali, Founder and Managing Trustee, in his welcome speech, mentioned
that Sevalaya is an ideal place to celebrate Education Development Day due to its longstanding
commitment to supporting education and food for the underprivileged children for the past 36
years. He spoke about Kamarajar’s simplicity and his significant role in promoting education in
the state.
B Nirmala, HM, Sevalaya presented a memento to the Chief Guest. P Prasanna, VP, Donor
Relations, Sevalaya proposed the vote of thanks. The programme ended with the National
Sevalaya is a charitable trust headquartered in Chennai, operating since 1988. More than 2200
underprivileged children are provided free education at their campus located near
Thiruninravur. Spread across 30 centres in South India, Sevalaya also provides free vocational
education for skill development in youth, runs children and old age homes, a gaushala, organic
farms and also implements rural healthcare and development projects in collaboration with